"A silicone-based support material eliminates interfacial instabilities in 3D silicone printing." S. Duraivel, D. Laurent, D.A. Rajon, G.M.Scheutz, A.M. Shetty, B.S. Sumerlin, S.A. Banks, F.J. Bova, T.E. Angelini; Science, 379 6638, 1248-1252 (2023).
"Leveraging ultra-low interfacial tension and liquid–liquid phase separation in embedded 3D bioprinting." S.K. Duraivel, V. Subramaniam, S. Chisolm, G.M. Scheutz, B.S. Sumerlin, T. Bhattacharjee, T.E. Angelini; Biophysics Reviews, 3 3, 031307 (2022).
"Quantitative Characterization of 3D Bioprinted Structural Elements Under Cell Generated Forces." C. Morley, S.T Ellison, T. Bhattacharjee, C.S. O'Bryan, Y. Zhang, K. Smith, C.P. Kabb, M. Sebastian, G. Moore, K.D. Schulze, S.R. Niemi, W.G. Sawyer, D. Tran, D. Mitchell, B.S. Sumerlin, C. Flores, T.E. Angelini; Nature Communications, 10 3029 (2019).
"Self-Assembled Micro-Organogels for 3D Printing Silicone Structures." C.S. O'Bryan, T. Bhattacharjee, S. Hart, C.P. Kabb, K.D. Schulze, I. Chilakala, B.S. Sumerlin, W.G. Sawyer, T.E. Angelini; Science Advances, 3, e1602800 (2017).
"3D Printing with Sacrificial Materials for Soft Matter Manufacturing." C.S. O'Bryan, T Bhattacharjee, S.R. Niemi, S. Balachandar, N. Baldwin, S.T. Ellison, C.R. Taylor, W.G. Sawyer, T.E. Angelini; MRS Bulletin, 42 571-577 (2017).
"Writing in the Granular Gel Medium." T. Bhattacharjee, S.M. Zehnder,K.G. Rowe, S. Jain, R.M. Nixon, W.G. Sawyer, T.E. Angelini; Science Advances, e1500655, 1-6 (2015).
"Cell Volume Fluctuations in MDCK Monolayers." S.M. Zehnder, M. Suaris, M.M. Bellaire, T.E. Angelini; Biophys. J., 108, 247-250 (2015).
Full List
98. "Biopolymer Networks Packed with Microgels Combine Strain Stiffening and Shape Programmability." V. Subramaniam, A.M. Shetty, S.J. Chisolm, T.R. Lansberry, A. Balachandar, C. D. Morley, T. E. Angelini; Giant, 100297 (2024).
97. "Toward Bioactive Hydrogels: A Tunable Approach via Nucleic Acid-Collagen Complexation" N. Pipis, S. Duraivel, V. Subramaniam, K.A. Stewart, T.E. Angelini, J.B. Allen; Regenerative Engineering and Translational Medicine, 1-13 (2024)
96. "Collagen Networks under Indentation and Compression Behave Like Cellular Solids." C.S. O’Bryan, Y. Ni, C.R. Taylor, T.E. Angelini, K.D. Schulze;
Langmuir 40 (8), 4228-4235 (2024).
95. "A silicone-based support material eliminates interfacial instabilities in 3D silicone printing." S. Duraivel, D. Laurent, D.A. Rajon, G.M.Scheutz, A.M. Shetty, B.S. Sumerlin, S.A. Banks, F.J. Bova, T.E. Angelini; Science, 379 6638, 1248-1252 (2023)
94. "Side‐Chain Chemistry Governs Hierarchical Order of Charge‐Complementary β‐sheet Peptide Coassemblies." R. Liu, X. Dong, D.T. Seroski, B. Soto Morales, K.M. Wong, A.S, Robang, L. Melgar, T.E. Angelini, A.K. Paravastu, C.K. Hall, G.A. Hudalla; Angewandte Chemie International Edition, 62(51), p.e202314531 (2023).
93. "Cellular Micromasonry: Biofabrication with Single Cell Precision." S.V. Ellison, S.K. Duraivel, V. Subramaniam, K.F. Hugosson, J.J. Lebowitz, H. Khoshbouei, M.Q. Martindale, T.E. Angelini; Soft Matter, 18 45, 8554-8560 (2022).
92. "Leveraging ultra-low interfacial tension and liquid–liquid phase separation in embedded 3D bioprinting." S.K. Duraivel, V. Subramaniam, S. Chisolm, G.M. Scheutz, B.S. Sumerlin, T. Bhattacharjee, T.E. Angelini; Biophysics Reviews, 3 3, 031307 (2022).
91. "Spatiotemporal T cell dynamics in a 3D bioprinted immunotherapy model." C.D. Morley, C.T. Flores, J.A. Drake, G.L. Moore, D.A. Mitchell, T.E. Angelini; Bioprinting, e00231 (2022).
90. "Embedded 3D Printing in Self‐Healing Annealable Composites for Precise Patterning of Functionally Mature Human Neural Constructs" J. Kajtez, et. al; Advanced Science, 2201392 (2022).
89. "Injectable Microporous Annealed Particle Hydrogel Based on Guest–Host‐Interlinked Polyethylene Glycol Maleimide Microgels." A.E. Widener, S. Duraivel, T.E. Angelini, E.A. Phelps; Advanced NanoBiomed Research, 2200030 (2022).
88. "Decellularized peripheral nerve as an injectable delivery vehicle for neural applications." D. Bousalis, M.W. McCrary, N. Vaughn, N. Hlavac, A. Evering, S. Kolli, Y.H. Song, C.D. Morley, T.E. Angelini, C.E. Schmidt; Journal of Biomedical Materials Research Part A, 110 3, 595-611 (2022).
87. "Assessment of Optimal Conditions for Marine Invertebrate Cell-Mediated Mineralization of Organic Matrices." J. Elias, T.E. Angelini, M.Q. Martindale, L. Gower; Biomimetics, 7 3, 86 (2022).
86. "Toward Economical 3D Bioprinters for High School Science Laboratories." R.Y. Bisram, L.M. Bender, S.R. Niemi, T.E. Angelini, M.J. Traum; Proceedings of the ASEE Southeastern Section Conference (2022).
85. "Capillary forces drive buckling, plastic deformation, and break-up of 3D printed beams." C.S. O’Bryan, A. Brady-Miné, C.J. Tessmann, A.M. Spotz, T.E. Angelini; Soft Matter, 14 14 (2021).
84. "3D printed collagen structures at low concentrations supported by jammed microgels." Y. Zhang, S.T. Ellison, S. Duraivel, C.D. Morley, C.R. Taylor, T.E. Angelini; Bioprinting, 21 e00121 (2021).
83. "Guest-host interlinked PEG-MAL granular hydrogels as an engineered cellular microenvironment." A.E. Widener, M.S. Bhatta, T.E. Angelini, E.A. Phelps; Biomaterials Science (2021).
82. "Microindentation of Cartilage Before and After Articular Loading in a Bioreactor: Assessment of Length-Scale Dependency Using Two Analysis Methods." C.C. Yuh, C.S. O’Bryan, T.E. Angelini, M.A. Wimmer; Experimental Mechanics, 61 1069 (2021).
81. "Mechanical Characterization of Glandular Acini Using a Micro-indentation Instrument." C.S. O’Bryan, Q. Zhang, T.P. Lele, T.E. Angelini; Bio-protocol, 10 e3847 (2020).
80. "Cryopreservation impairs 3-D migration and cytotoxicity of natural killer cells." C. Mark, T. Czerwinski, S. Roessner, A. Mainka, F. Hörsch, L. Heublein, A. Winterl, S. Sanokowski, S. Richter, N. Bauer, T.E. Angelini, G. Schuler, B. Fabry, C.J. Voskens; Nature Communications, 11 1 (2020).
79. "3D aggregation of cells in packed microgel media." C.D. Morley,J. Tordoff, C.S. O’Bryan, R. Weiss, T.E. Angelini; Soft Matter, 16 6572 (2020).
78. "Harnessing Strained Disulfides for Photocurable Adaptable Hydrogels." G.M. Scheutz, J.L. Rowell, S.T. Ellison, J.B. Garrison, T.E. Angelini, B.S. Sumerlin; Macromolecules, 53 4038 (2020).
77. "Hydrogel compression and polymer osmotic pressure." A. Bhattacharyya, C.S. O'Bryan, Y. Ni, C.D. Morley, C.R. Taylor, T.E. Angelini; Biotribology, 22 100125 (2020).
76. "A method for eliminating the need to know when contact is made with soft surfaces: Data processing and error analysis." M. Garcia, T.E. Angelini; Biotribology, 20 100109 (2019).
75. "Low force, high noise: Isolating indentation forces through autocorrelation analysis." C.S. O'Bryan, K.D. Schulze, T.E. Angelini; Biotribology, 20 100110 (2019).
74. "Regeneration in the ctenophore Mnemiopsis leidyi occurs in the absence of a blastema, requires cell division, and is temporally separable from wound healing." J. Ramon-Mateu, S.T. Ellison, T.E. Angelini, M.Q. Martindale; BMC Biology, 17 1 (2019).
73. "Mechanical Stabilization of the Glandular Acinus by Linker of Nucleoskeleton and Cytoskeleton Complex." Q. Zhang, V. Narayanan, K.L. Mui, C.S. O’Bryan, R.H. Anderson, K.C. Birendra, J.I. Cabe, K.B. Denis, S. Antoku, K.J. Roux, R.B. Dickinson, T.E. Angelini, G.G. Gundersen, D.E. Conway, T.P. Lele; Current Biology, 29 2826 (2019).
72. "Amino acids as wetting agents: surface translocation by Porphyromonas gingivalis." M.F. Moradali, S. Ghods, T.E. Angelini, M.E. Davey; The ISME Journal, 13 1560 (2019).
71. "Quantitative Characterization of 3D Bioprinted Structural Elements Under Cell Generated Forces." C. Morley, S.T Ellison, T. Bhattacharjee, C.S. O'Bryan, Y. Zhang, K. Smith, C.P. Kabb, M. Sebastian, G. Moore, K.D. Schulze, S.R. Niemi, W.G. Sawyer, D. Tran, D. Mitchell, B.S. Sumerlin, C. Flores, T.E. Angelini; Nature Communications, 10 3029 (2019).
70. "Anthracene-Based Mechanophores for Compression-Activated Fluorescence in Polymeric Networks." C.P. Kabb, C.S. O'Bryan, C. Morley, T.E. Angelini, B.S. Sumerlin; Chemical Science, 10, 7702-7708 (2019)
69. "Repair of Nuclear Ruptures Requires Barrier-to-Autointegration Factor." C.T. Halfmann, R.M. Sears, A. Katiyar, B.W. Busselman, L.K. Aman, Q. Zhang, C.S. O'Bryan, T.E. Angelini, T.P. Lele, K.J. Roux; Journal of Cell Biology, jcb-201901116 (2019).
68. "Hierarchical Self-Assembly and Emergent Function of Densely Glycosylated Peptide Nanofibers." A. Restuccia, D.T. Seroski, K.L. Kelley, C.S. O'Bryan, J.J. Kurian, K.R. Knox, S.A. Farhadi, T.E. Angelini, G.A. Hudalla; Communications Chemsitry, 2 (1) p.53 (2019).
67. "Jammed Polyelectrolyte Microgels for 3D Cell Culture Applications: Rheological Behavior with Added Salts." C.S. O'Bryan, C.P. Kabb, B.S. Sumerlin, T.E. Angelini; ACS Applied Bio Materials, 2 (4) 1509-1517 (2019).
66. "Commercially Available Microgels for 3D Bioprinting." C.S. O'Bryan, T. Bhattacharjee, S.L. Marshall, W.G. Sawyer, T.E. Angelini; Bioprinting, 11 e00037 (2018).
65. "Unconventional Shape Memory Mechanisms of Nanoporous Polymer Photonic Crystals: Implications for Nano-Optical Coatings and Devices." Y. Ni, Y. Zhang, S. Leo, Y. Fang, M. Zhao, L. Yu, K.D. Schulze, W.G. Sawyer, T.E. Angelini, P. Jiang, C.R. Taylor; Applied Nano Materials, 1 6081-6090 (2018).
64. "3D T cell motility in Jammed Microgels." T. Bhattacharjee, T.E. Angelini; Journal of Physics D: Applied Physics, 52 024006 (2018).
63. "Photoreversible Covalent Hydrogels for Soft-Matter Additive Manufacturing." C.P. Kabb, C.S. O'Bryan, C.C. Deng, T.E. Angelini, B.S. Sumerlin; ACS Applied Materials & Interfaces, 10 16793-16801 (2018).
62. "Normal Load Scaling of Friction in Gemini Hydrogels." J.M. Urueña, E.O. McGhee, T.E. Angelini, D. Dowson, W.G. Sawyer, A.A. Pitenis; Biotribology, 13 30-35 (2018).
61. "Polyelectrolyte Scaling Laws for Microgel Yielding Near Jamming." T. Bhattacharjee, C.P. Kabb, C.S. O'Bryan, J.M. Urueña, B.S. Sumerlin, W.G. Sawyer, T.E. Angelini; Soft Matter, 14 1559-1570 (2018).
60. "In vitro lubricity experiments on corneal cells." A.A. Pitenis, J.M. Urueña, T.T. Hormel, T. Bhattacharjee, K.D. Schulze, T.E. Angelini, W.G. Sawyer; Contact Lens and Anterior Eye, 41, p.S59 (2018).
59. "Friction-induced inflammation." A.A. Pitenis, J.M. Urueña, S.M. Hart, C.S. O’Bryan, S.L. Marshall, P.P. Levings, T.E. Angelini, D.F. Sawyer; Tribology Letters, 66, pp.1-13 (2018).
58. "In situ measurements of contact dynamics in speed-dependent hydrogel friction." E.O. McGhee, A.A. Pitenis, J.M. Urueña, K.D. Schulze, A.J. McGhee, C.S. O'Bryan, T. Bhattacharjee, T.E. Angelini, D.F. Sawyer; Biotribology, 13, pp.23-29 (2018).
57. "Full-Field Deformation Measurements in Liquid-like-Solid Granular Microgel Using Digital Image Correlation." A. McGhee, A. Bennett, P. Ifju, G. Sawyer, T.E. Angelini; Experimental Mechanics, 1-13 (2018).
56. "Eliminating the Surface Location from Soft Matter Contact Mechanics Measurements." M. Garcia, K.D. Schulze, C.S. O'Bryan, T. Bhattacharjee, W.G. Sawyer, T.E. Angelini; Tribology-Materials, Surfaces & Interfaces, 11 1-6 (2017)
55. "3D Printing with Sacrificial Materials for Soft Matter Manufacturing." C.S. O'Bryan, T Bhattacharjee, S.R. Niemi, S. Balachandar, N. Baldwin, S.T. Ellison, C.R. Taylor, W.G. Sawyer, T.E. Angelini; MRS Bulletin, 42 571-577 (2017)
54. "A Confocal Fluorescence Microscopy Method for Measuring Mucous Layer Growth on Living Corneal Epithelia." T.T. Hormel,T. Bhattacharjee, A.A. Pitenis, J.M. Urueña, W.G. Sawyer, T.E. Angelini; Biotribology 11 73-76 (2017)
53. "Polymer Osmotic Pressure in Hydrogel Contact Mechanics." K.D. Schulze, S.M. Hart, S.L. Marshall, C.S. O'Bryan, J.M. Urueña, A.P. Pitenis, W.G. Sawyer, T.E. Angelini; Biotribology 11 3-7 (2017)
52. "Self-Assembled Micro-Organogels for 3D Printing Silicone Structures." C.S. O'Bryan, T. Bhattacharjee, S. Hart, C.P. Kabb, K.D. Schulze, I. Chilakala, B.S. Sumerlin, W.G. Sawyer, T.E. Angelini; Science Advances, 3, e1602800 (2017).
51."Elastic modulus and hydraulic permeability of MDCK monolayers." K.D. Schulze, S.M. Zehnder, J.M. Urueña, T. Bhattacharjee, W.G. Sawyer, T.E. Angelini; J. Biomech, 53, 210-213 (2017).
50. "Lubricous hydrogel surface coatings on polydimethylsiloxane (PDMS)." A. Rudy, C. Kuliasha, J.M. Uruena, J. Rex, K.D. Schulze, D. Stewart, T.E. Angelini, D.F. Sawyer, S.S. Perry; Tribology Letters, 65, pp.1-11 (2017).
49. "Measuring contact mechanics deformations using DIC through a transparent medium." S.E. Rohde, A.I. Bennett, K.L Harris, P.G Ifju, T.E. Angelini, W.G. Sawyer; Experimental Mechanics, 57, pp.1445-1455 (2017).
48. "Challenges and opportunities in soft tribology." A.A. Pitenis, J.M. Urueña, E.O. McGhee, S.M. Hart, E.R. Reale, J. Kim, K.D. Schulze, S.L. Marshall, A.I. Bennett, S.R. Niemi, T.E. Angelini, W.G. Sawyer, A.C. Dunn; Tribology-Materials, Surfaces & Interfaces, 11(4), pp.180-186 (2017).
47. "Corneal cell friction: Survival, lubricity, tear films, and mucin production over extended duration in vitro studies." A.A. Pitenis, J.M. Urueña, T.T. Hormel, T. Bhattacharjee, S.R. Niemi, S.L. Marshall, S.M. Hart, K.D. Schulze, T.E. Angelini, W.G. Sawyer; Biotribology, 11, pp.77-83 (2017).
46. "Meeting the contact-mechanics challenge." M. H. Müser et al.; Tribology Letters 65, 118 (2017).
45. "Contact and deformation of randomly rough surfaces with varying root-mean-square gradient." A.J. McGhee, A.A Pitenis, A.I. Bennett, K.L. Harris, K.D. Schulze, J.M. Urueña, P.G. Ifju, T.E. Angelini, M.H. Müser, W.G. Sawyer; Tribology Letters, 65, pp.1-7 (2017).
44. "Spherically capped membrane probes for low contact pressure tribology." S.L. Marshall, K.D. Schulze, S.M. Hart, J.M. Urueña, E.O. McGhee, A.I. Bennett, A.A. Pitenis, C.S. O'Bryan, T.E. Angelini, W.G. Sawyer; Biotribology, 11, pp.69-72 (2017).
43. "Deformation measurements of randomly rough surfaces." A.I. Bennett, K.L Harris, K.D. Schulze, J.M. Urueña, A.J. McGhee, A.A. Pitenis, M.H. Müser, T.E. Angelini, W.G. Sawyer; Tribology Letters, 65, pp.1-7 (2017).
42. "Contact measurements of randomly rough surfaces" A.I. Bennett, K.L Harris, K.D. Schulze, J.M. Urueña, A.J. McGhee, A.A. Pitenis, M.H. Müser, T.E. Angelini, W.G. Sawyer; Tribology Letters, 65, pp.1-8 (2017).
41. "Liquid-like solids support cells in 3D." T. Bhattacharjee, C.J. Gil,S.L. Marshall, J.M. Urueña, C.S. O'bryan, M. Carstens, B. Keselowsky, G.D. Palmer, S. Ghivizzani, C.P. Gibbs, W.G. Sawyer, T.E. Angelini; ACS Biomat. Sci. & Eng., 2, 1787-1795 (2016).
40. "Stability of High Speed 3D Printing in Liquid-Like Solids." K.J. LeBlanc, S.R. Niemi, A.I. Bennett, K.L. Harris, K.D. Schulze, W.G. Sawyer, C. Taylor, T.E. Angelini; ACS Biomat. Sci. & Eng., 2, 1796-1799 (2016).
39. "A Langevin model of physical forces in cell volume fluctuations." S.M. Zehnder, F.M. Zegers, T.E. Angelini; J. Biomechanics, 49, 1286-1289 (2016).
38. "Superlubricity in gemini hydrogels." A.A. Pitenis, J.M. Urueña, A.C. Cooper, T.E. Angelini, W.G. Sawyer; J. Tribology, 138, 042103 (2016).
37. "Lubricity from entangled polymer networks on hydrogels." A.A. Pitenis, J.M. Urueña, R.M. Nixon, T. Bhattacharjee, B.A. Krick, A.C. Dunn, T.E. Angelini, W.G. Sawyer; J. Tribology, 138, 042102 (2016).
36. "Mechanical properties derived from phase separation in co-polymer hydrogels." R.M. Nixon, J.B. ten Hove, A. Orozco, Z.M. Jenkins, P.C. Baenen, M.K. Wiatt, J. Zuluaga, W.G. Sawyer, T.E. Angelini; JMBBM, 55, 286-294 (2015).
35. "Writing in the Granular Gel Medium." T. Bhattacharjee, S.M. Zehnder,K.G. Rowe, S. Jain, R.M. Nixon, W.G. Sawyer, T.E. Angelini; Science Advances, e1500655, 1-6 (2015).
34. "Multicellular density fluctuations in epithelial monolayers." S.M. Zehnder, M.K. Wiatt, J.M. Urueña, A.C. Dunn, W.G. Sawyer, T.E. Angelini; PRE, 92, 032729 (2015).
33. "Cell Volume Fluctuations in MDCK Monolayers." S.M. Zehnder, M. Suaris,M.M. Bellaire, T.E. Angelini; Biophys. J., 108, 247-250 (2015).
32. "Mesh Size Control of Polymer Fluctuation Lubrication in Gemini Hydrogels." J.M. Urueña, A.A. Pitenis, R.M. Nixon, K.D. Schulze, T.E. Angelini, W.G. Sawyer; Biotribology, 1, 24-29 (2015).
31. "Surface indentation and fluid intake generated by the polymer matrix of Bacillus subtilis biofilms." W. Zhang, W. Dai,S.M. Tsai, S.M. Zehnder, M. Sarntinoranant, T.E. Angelini; Soft Matter, 11, 3612-3617 (2015).
30. "Multi-scale undulations in human aortic endotheial cells." J.B. Frketic, A. DeLaPeña, M.G. Suaris,S.M. Zehnder, T.E. Angelini; EPJE, 38, 15012 (2015).
29. "Biofilm formation in geometries with different surface curvature and oxygen availability." Y.W. Chang, A.A. Fragkopoulos, S.M. Marquez, H.D. Kim, T.E. Angelini, A. Fernandez-Nieves; NJP, 17, 033017 (2015).
28. "Kinetics of aqueous lubrication in the hydrophilic hydrogel Gemini interface." A.C. Dunn, A.A. Pitenis, J.M. Urueña, K.D. Schulze, T.E. Angelini, W.G. Sawyer; Proceedings of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers, Part H: Journal of Engineering in Medicine, 229(12), 889-894 (2015).
27. "Lessons from the Lollipop: Biotribology, Tribocorrosion, and Irregular Surfaces." K.G. Rowe, K.L. Harris,K.D. Schulze, S.L. Marshall, A.A. Pitenis, J.M. Urueña, S.R. Niemi, A.I. Bennett, A.C. Dunn, T.E. Angelini; W.G. Sawyer; Trib. Lett., 00, 00-00 (2014).
26. "Polymer Fluctuation Lubrication in Hydrogel Gemini Interfaces." A. Pitenis, J.M. Urueña, K.D. Schulze, R.M. Nixon, A.C. Dunn, B.A. Krick, W.G. Sawyer, T.E. Angelini; Soft Matter, 00, 00 (2014).
25. "Gemini Interfaces in Aqueous Lubrication with Hydrogels." A.C. Dunn, W.G. Sawyer, T.E. Angelini; Trib. Lett., 54, 59-66 (2014).
24. "Nutrient depletion in Bacillus subtilis biofilms triggers matrix production." W. Zhang, A. Seminara, M. Suaris, M.P. Brenner, D.A. Weitz, T.E. Angelini; New J. Phys., 16, 015028 (2014).
23. "Nucleation and growth of epithelial cell clusters." M Suaris, J.A. Breaux, S.M. Zehnder, T.E. Angelini; AIP Conf. Proc., 1518, 536 (2013).
22. "Lubricity of surface hydrogel layers." A.C. Dunn, J.M. Urueña, Y.C. Huo, S.S. Perry, T.E. Angelini, W.G. Sawyer; Tribology Letters, 49, 2 (2013).
21. "Characterizing Concentrated, Multiply Scattering, and Actively Driven Fluorescent Systems with Confocal Differential Dynamic Microscopy." P.J. Lu, F. Giavazzi, T.E. Angelini, F. Jargstorff, A.B. Schofield, J.N. Wilking, M.B. Romanowsky, D.A Weitz, R. Cerbino; PRL, 108, 21 (2012).
20. "Cell friction." T.E. Angelini, A.C. Dunn, J.M. Urueña, D.J. Dickrell, D.L. Burris, W.G. Sawyer; Faraday Discussions, 156, 31 (2012).
19. "Effects of Basic Calponin on the Flexural Mechanics and Stability of F-Actin." M. Jensen, et. al., Cytoskeleton, 69, 49 (2012).
18. "Osmotic spreading of Bacillus subtilis biofilms driven by an extracellular matrix." A. Seminara, T.E. Angelini, J.N. Wilking, H. Vlamakis, S. Ebrahim, R. Kolter, D.A. Weitz, M.P.Brenner, PNAS, 109, 1116 (2012).
17. "Collective cell guidance by cooperative intercellular forces." D. Tambe, et. al., Nat. Mater., 10, 469 (2011).
16. "Biofilms as complex fluids." J.N. Wilking, T.E. Angelini, A. Seminara, M.P. Brenner, D.A. Weitz, MRS Bulletin 36, 385 (2011).
15. "Glass-like dynamics of collective cell migration." T.E. Angelini, E. Hannezo, X. Trepat, M. Marquez, J.J. Fredberg, D.A. Weitz, PNAS, 108, 4717 (2011).
14. "Cell migration driven by cooperative substrate deformation patterns." T.E. Angelini, E. Hannezo, X. Trepat, J.J. Fredberg, D.A. Weitz, Phys. Rev. Lett. 104, 168104 (2010).
13. "Bacillus subtilis spreads by surfing on waves of surfactant." T.E. Angelini, M. Roper, M.P. Brenner, D.A. Weitz, Proc. Nat. Acad. Sci 106, 18109 (2009).
12. "Physical forces during collective cell migration." X. Trepat, M. Wasserman, T.E. Angelini, E. Millet, D. Weitz, J. Butler, J. Fredberg. Nature Physics, 101, 100-223 (2009).
11. "Self-organized gels in DNA/F-actin mixtures without crosslinkers: networks of induced nematic domains with tunable density." G. Lai, J. Butler, O. Zribi, I. Smalyukh, T.E. Angelini, K. Purdy, R. Golestanian, G.C.L. Wong, Phys. Rev. Lett, 101, 218303 (2008).
10. "The cell as a material." K. Kasza, A. Rowat, J. Liu, T. Angelini, C. Brangwynne, G. Koenderink, D. Weitz, Curr. Op. Cell Biol.,19, 101-107 (2007).
9. "Counterions between charged polymers exhibit liquid-like organization and dynamics." T. Angelini, R. Golestanian, R. Coridan, J. Butler, A. Beraud, M. Krisch, H. Sinn, K. Schweizer, G.C.L. Wong, Proc. Nat. Acad. Sci.,103, 7962-7967 (2006).
8. "Direct observation of counterion organization in F-actin polyelectrolyte bundles." T. Angelini, H. Liang, W. Wriggers , G. C. L. Wong, Eur. Phys. J. E., 16, 389-400 (2005).
7. "Structure and Stability of self-assembled actin-lysozyme complexes in salty water." L. Sanders, C. Guaqueta, T. Angelini, J. W. Lee, S. Slimmer, E. Luijten, G. C. L. Wong, Phys. Rev. Lett., 95, 108302 (2005).
6. "Structure and dynamics of condensed multivalent ions within polyelectrolyte bundles: A combined x-ray diffraction and solid-state NMR study." T. Angelini, L. Sanders, H. Liang, W. Wriggers, G. C. L. Wong, J. Phys. Cond. Mat., 17, S1123-S1135 (2005).
5. "Roles of anionic and cationic template components in biomineralization of CdS nanorods in self-assembled DNA-membrane complexes." H. Liang, T. Angelini, P. V. Braun, G. C. L. Wong, J. Am. Chem. Soc., 126, 14157-14165 (2004).
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